“Rauhnächte” is thought to derive from the German word for smoke. The burning of incense is said to provide protection during the dark nights of winter.

In my experience, traditional German incense doesn’t smoke as heavily as other types - which means it doesn’t give me headaches! These cones burn through pretty quickly, but please make sure you keep an eye on them for safety.

Please use caution and follow all safety instructions on the incense packaging. Most of the package info is in German, but there are safety instructions in English. If you don't like this incense - feel free to use your own! Or if you don't like smoke, you can use a room spray or simmer pot.

Use sand provided and place mini cauldron on a heat resistant surface. Always supervise anything burning.

Smoker vs Cauldron

Traditionally, they use these cute little hand-carved wooden figurines with pipes or open mouths where the smoke comes out. They are quite expensive so I didn't include one because I was trying to keep the cost of the total set down (the crystals were the most expensive part because they're high-grade).

You can find them online though if you just search "German smoker"! There are so many to choose from and they're adorable.

This article touches on the origin of this fragrant winter tradition and the folklore behind this ritual.

3 polaroids: german christmas smoker figures, a cauldron with smoke coming out, crottendorfer incense cones 

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